Submit your site to Userfrosting's site gallery

We’re always looking for new sites to add to our gallery on If you have a site that uses Userfrosting, please send us a link, either here or in chat. We’d love to see what’s going on with Userfrosting IRL.


Dang, that’s a sweet sign-in page!

That looks sexy as all hell. Love it!

Thanks to DO!Hack and Notes with Code for submitting to the gallery! Anyone else have a site they can submit? Doing some web updates soon and it would be great to have a few new ones.

Interested in work-in-progress sites?

Of course! Any screenshots would be great.

Got only some confusing ones :wink:
Webapplication for Vet-Companys to keep track of customers, patients and treatments
Still work in progress



Create new Vet-Company

Create customer of Company

Create patient

Thanks! Is there a particular url that this gallery item would link to?
is the url of the product.
Will give you a complete article when finished…
planned to be released: first quarter of 2018. With a corresponding android app