SMTP user name is not a email address

I have the following error:

[2017-11-08 15:26:06] DEBUG: Invalid address: AKIAIBEX3YSEYYK3VDMZW []

Does UserFrosting require that the SMTP user name to always be the email address? In my case this is not so, because I use Amazon AWS SES and the user name is that sequence of letters you see in the log. Is it possible to configure the email address separately?

Emails are sent from the “admin email address”, which is configured in the core configuration file:

    'address_book' => [
        'admin' => [
            'email' => getenv('SMTP_USER') ?: null,
            'name'  => 'Site Administrator'

As you can see, by default it does indeed use the SMTP_USER environment variable. So, all you need to do is override this in your Sprinkle’s config file.

Nice! I’m just starting to use this framework but I already love it, it is well structured, clean and very flexible. Thank you for this great product!

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