Problem updating

Hey there,

  • made an update to my code, added some asset-bundles, uploaded it to git
  • made git-pull on live server
  • made composer update
  • made bakery bake
    but the asset-bundle creation came wir Error " Error in plugin “@userfrosting/gulp-bundle-assets”

Anyone out there that can help me with that?

Edit: on dev at home all is working just fine, the problem seems to be only the bundle building

[10:00:41] build - @userfrosting/gulp-bundle-assets: Stream completed before all bundles received their dependencies [[{“type”:“script”,“name”:“js/pages/requestform”,“remainingFiles”:["/var/www/vhosts/"]},{“type”:“script”,“name”:“js/pages/offerform”,“remainingFiles”:["/var/www/vhosts/"]},{“type”:“script”,“name”:“js/pages/transportform”,“remainingFiles”:["/var/www/vhosts/"]}]]
[10:00:41] build - @userfrosting/gulp-bundle-assets: _flush completed with error [{“error”:“Error: Stream completed before all bundles received their dependencies”}]
[10:00:41] ‘build’ errored after 46 s
[10:00:41] Error in plugin “@userfrosting/gulp-bundle-assets”
Stream completed before all bundles received their dependencies
domainEmitter: [object Object]
domain: [object Object]
domainThrown: false

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @ uf-bundle: gulp build
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the @ uf-bundle script.

ok, it seems it is this single js file that gives the problem
so what may be the solution for this since i need it

found it…
there was a .gitignore file hidden in the subfolders, that blocked uploading the file

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@Naddy i guess i need your suggestion. what is best to develop a site with (slashes / or dot .) and mention the region or go for only dot com i.e or it should, or please guide.