Issues when Setup the SMTP

I am using sendmail and gmail to sent the email.(

But always show the message “Fatal error attempting mail, contact your server administrator. If you are the admin, please check the UserFrosting log.”

I could not find the log.

Any expert could help with this?

Thanks a lot.

Ah! You’ll need to enable SMTP debugging. Then it will show up in your main app/logs/userfrosting.log.

Thanks for the reply and I tried to enable the SMTP debugging.

But no log files in app/logs/userfrosting.log

Can we see your Sprinkle config file?

    'debug' => [
    'queries' => false,
    'smtp' => true,
    'twig' => false
], 'mail'    => [
    'mailer'     => 'sendmail',     // Set to one of 'smtp', 'mail', 'qmail', 'sen
    'host'=> getenv('SMTP_HOST') ?: null,
    'port'=> 465,
    'auth'=> true,
    'secure'     => 'tls',
    'username'   => getenv('SMTP_USER') ?: null,
    'password'   => getenv('SMTP_PASSWORD') ?: null,
    'smtp_debug' => 4,
    'message_options' => [
    'CharSet' => 'UTF-8',
    'isHtml' => true,
    'Timeout' => 15


Hmm…are you sure that your Sprinkle is being loaded at all?