Extend user model and not get user_id issues

I created a sprinkle (following direction from the migrate documentation) that tries to extend the users table and have found that my login/logout action generates an error but still gets me in.

 Illuminate \ Database \ QueryException (HY000)
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `account_graphs_userprefs` (`id`) values (1))

The php bakery migrate runs without errors and creates my target account_graphs_userprefs table in the database. However, and perhaps this is somehow at the root of the error — there are no records. I was expecting to see one record in my new table per existing user record (since 1 to 1) but there are none. From the documentation I’m not seeing yet where I went wrong.

Did I need to create some seed function content? [updated — I’m looking through and trying the example extend_user sprinkle to see where I went off the rails.]

What is your account_graphs_userprefs table structure?

Hi @Malou looks like I had a broken setup — problem went away when I re-installed the UF framework.